March 30, 2011

"Make something already!"

Anything at all something I often say to myself and I think projects and competitions are great ways to get started. So here a here's a round-up of a few that are happening right now:

Azzari's holding a lovely spring photo swap over at The Sweet Light. Be quick, it ends today (April 1)!

Doodlers Anonymous invites you to draw a calendar for the month of April, with a chance to be featured in their illustrated calendar if you win. There were some amazing entries for February - they made me feel like doodling right away! This ends on April 6.

If book-covers are your thing, the Re-covered Books contest by The Fox Is Black is for you. This time, the tome undergoing a makeover is The Odyssey by Homer, which should be fun! It closes on April 15.

Or, if you're feeling ambitious, you could try making something everyday instead.

Have fun snapping/doodling/designing!

P.S. Try typing 'Helvetica' into the Google search bar! Happy April 1st!

March 23, 2011

Socks for Japan

(image from j.crew)

I found out about Socks for Japan from a friend and I think it's a wonderful initiative - practical yet meaningful.

The idea is simple: anyone can send new, clean socks to Jason Kelly and his team who are based in Tochigo, Japan. They then package the socks and send them out to the people who need them.

Socks are important because many people flee barefoot and they are often forgotten in favour of large items like blankets and jackets. The team also encourages people to enclose a care letter, because words can bring much comfort. There's even a care letter help page, so you can write one even if you don't know Japanese.

Of course, cash donations are extremely important (you can give directly to the
Japanese Red Cross Society here) but if you'd like to help in a tangible and direct way, in addition to giving money, this is a really great avenue to do so!

Also, if you live somewhere that's far from Japan, you could gather a few friends, combine your postage and send a big package together. That's what my friends and I are doing.

Even if this seems like a small gesture, every bit of help counts! Let's continue to help Japan and keep them in prayer.

March 17, 2011

I Never Saw the Sign


I love this whimsical wall decal by David Bray on Blik, which I spotted on Doodlers Anonymous today. I also can't believe I only found out about their 'Doodle Our Wall' contest after it ended, because the post got buried under the mountain of yet-to-be-read content on my feedly. Looks like it's time for some reorganization!

How do you sort out the content from the blogs or pages that you follow effectively? If you've got a great tip, I'd love to hear it!

March 13, 2011

Friday Film Fav: Double Exposures!

onion heart

I love double exposures! Whether they're carefully calculated or randomly composed, there's always an element of experimentation.

Here are some creative examples by -fiona-, allfangs andelbows and slimmer_jimmer. Do check out their photostreams, they've got loads of other fantastic shots.

Have a good weekend everyone! And let's keep Japan in prayer.


Friday Film Fav is a new series where I share my favourite film photos from Flickr and the rest of the web. I'd love to hear about your film favourites! Send me an email or leave a comment with a link.

March 10, 2011

Potted plants and, possibly, a protest

welcoming party or protest

my favourite man-made river

(really tiny) flowers in the window

on the subway

More photos from my previous semester in Korea. The graininess of the film makes the photos seem older somehow, don't you think? I'm missing the food and people there a lot right now, and I really hope to go back someday soon.

Anyway, sorry for the lack of posts this week, I've been simply swamped with work! Hope your week has been better than mine. In any case, we are one day away from the weekend, so hang in there everyone! 힘내요!

(P.S. I've got a colourful Friday Film Fav post lined up for tomorrow, so please look out for it!)

March 1, 2011

Atherton Lin




I discovered Atherton Lin's amazing 2011 calendar on The Fox is Black today, and was so enthralled by its delicate watercolour images and hand-drawn style that I immediately visited their site, hoping to buy one even though it's already March. Alas, all their 2011 calendars are sold out, which is not at all surprising, given that no one other than me would be silly enough to buy a calendar three months into the year.

But the good news is that they're generously making each month's schedule available as a desktop wallpaper on their site. Just in time for March too!

edit: I'm making a few adjustments to the blog layout, my apologies if the site looks weird or terrible at the moment. The regular layout will be back really soon (I hope!)
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