August 6, 2013

New Zealand: Tongariro Alpine Crossing

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 01

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 02

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 03

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 04
That's Mt Ngauruhoe on the left, which was used as Mt Doom in the Lord of the Rings movies.
(Yes, I did squee a bit when I saw it.)

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 05

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 06

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 07
The gorgeous Emerald Lakes

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 08

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 09
Snow-capped Mt Ruapehu peeking out from behind Mt Doom

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 10

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 11
The rest hut suddenly seems very, very far away when you're in need of the bathroom.

Tongariro Alpine Crossing 12

(Canon AE-1 with Kodak Gold 400 & Kodak Portra 400)

I've gotten really behind on blogging (again!) lately, because a lot of my free time has been channeled towards finishing a crochet gift for a friend. But I'm back with more NZ photos, so I hope you aren't tired of them yet!

It's easy to see why some people consider Tongariro Alpine Crossing the best one-day hike in New Zealand. The uphill bits were a challenge for my weak, unexercised limbs, but the gorgeous volcanic landscape made it all worth while (especially those amazing turquoise pools! I was tempted to dive right in more than once).

Looking through these photos makes me feel really thankful. I'm thankful for the friendly shuttle-bus driver who was able to make everyone smile even at 6am in the morning, for the company of new friends who made the journey even better, for the perfect sunny weather. I'm thankful that my legs didn't drop off like they threatened to :P

I'd forgotten to pack a polarising filter for this trip, which, combined with the bright NZ sunshine, meant that most of the photos turned out slightly over-exposed and hyper-saturated. I didn't like the effect at first, but now I think the extreme colours complement the alien-looking landscape perfectly.

Previously: NZ via iPhone, Lake Taupo & Taupo Town


  1. Simple but majestic. Love these pictures! :)

  2. Replies
    1. It truly is - one of the most amazing places I've visited so far.

  3. i think these are lovely. it makes me really want to try out portra 400 film!

    1. Thanks, Michelle :) The last two shots are the ones taken with Portra.

  4. Oh, the color of those lakes... perfection!

    1. Yes, it's amazing that those are naturally occurring colours :)


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